Sign our petition to protect this precious Welsh landscape | Letter

Letter: Lorna Brazell of the Cambrian Mountains Society urges readers to support a move to designate the Elenydd as an area of outstanding natural beauty
2022-06-17 16:40

Jim Perrin’s Country diary on the treecreepers at Soar Y Mynydd (14 June) beautifully evokes the peace, Welsh heritage and wildlife value of the central section of the Cambrian mountains, Yr Elenydd.

But his comments on the damage done by off-roaders and the thoughtless planting of huge expanses of monoculture conifer plantations ring all too true. Indeed, the track from Soar Y Mynydd to the hostel at Ty’n Cornel is so deeply eroded as to be in places difficult to pass even on foot, let alone for the horse riders who used to use it. Facing the chapel itself, beyond the small grove of trees in the graveyard, the hillsides have been hidden from view with featureless trees, today being clear-felled to leave an equally ugly picture.

The Cambrian Mountains Society is petitioning the Senedd seeking designation of the Elenydd, as well as the adjoining Mynydd Mallaen and Plynlimon massif, as an area of outstanding natural beauty. The objective is not merely to conserve the landscape, but also to restore the native woodlands and carbon-sequestering peatlands of these precious landscapes. We need 10,000 Welsh signatures to ensure a debate. I ask readers who care for our environment to sign at
Lorna Brazell
Cambrian Mountains Society

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