Campaign Against Deforestation in Nigeria.

2020-01-22 07:05

We are critical with the growing level of deforestation in Nigeria and we need your support in order to have our voice heard.

Due to the globalization and rapid development in Nigeria, the forest is now been cleared on a large scale for urban growth, agricultural purposes, industrial development/ expansion and the general threat from the growing population most especially in the major cities/communities in the quest for greener pasture. All these have reduced the extent, diversity, and stability of the Nigeria forest. With no clue of recent estimate in that regard, it should be noted that Nigeria through circles of exploitation and husbandry, destroys reforestation efforts of more than 5000 hectares per year, a year replaceable only about 4% of the loss.

We have beginning to raise a campaign against the constant deforestation character of some Nigerians most especially, the private companies in the need for expansion and establishment of industrial institutions for the motive of profit making is inappropriate and negates environmental laws. This has caused the extinction of several plants and other living things like animals and other micro-organisms of public importance.

Some other people practice deforestation in the quest for fossil fuel for energy generation, hunting and the over-gathering of natural products.

Fossil fuel emissions are the most significant human cause of global warming, and this is as a result of a buildup of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is released every time you burn coal plant and this is currently destroying some of the best-known mechanisms for storing the carbon-plants. We need our collective support to end the continuous burning of fossil fuel; this is only if we want the Earth’s climate to remain stable.

While deforestation caused low productivity in agriculture, it also increases the severity of global warming as well. Carbon dioxide is released from the human conversion of forests and grasslands into farmland and cities. All living plants store carbon. When those plants die and decay, carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. The way cut down forests contributes in a major way to the climate problem. Deforestation is responsible for about 24 percent of the rise in human-caused greenhouse gases. The only way to the effects of deforestation is simply to plant more trees and continues campaign against deforestation.

According to the scientists, "forests provide many benefits beyond storing carbon".

“They store and recycle our water, they prevent erosion and also, they harbor biodiversity.

Deforestation, if not stop now, an unstoppable feedback loop may happen if we let this continue.

As against this background, we condemn in totality deforestation and looking forward to establishing a tree-planting campaign backed-up with intensive public awareness and sensitization campaign and we equally, call on the government to enforce appropriate laws and regulations that is capable of preventing the public from contributing to the loss of our vegetation and wildlife.