Telangana: Medaram Jatara going ‘plastic-free’ this year | 5 years ago
Air New Zealand customers give their suggestions to new CEO Greg Foran | 5 years ago
'The worst I've ever seen': Beach south of Auckland 'covered' in plastic rubbish | 5 years ago
How your clothes become microfibre pollution in the sea | 5 years ago
How climate-conscious children are forcing their schools to be more eco-friendly Independent | 5 years ago
H&M accused of 'greenwashing' over plans to make clothes from sustainable fabric Independent | 5 years ago
How your clothes become microfibre pollution in the sea | 5 years ago
Kennedy Bucci and Chelsea Rochman: Microplastic pollution everywhere, but scientists still learning how it harms wildlife | 5 years ago
Canada’s restaurant owners plead for policy patience in proposed federal ban on single-use plastics | 5 years ago
Microplastic pollution reduces animal life at the bottom of lakes New Scientist | 5 years ago
Plastic pollution: 'Hidden' chemicals build up in seabirds BBC News | 5 years ago
20 pledges for 2020: How I'm making my beauty routine more eco-friendly Independent | 5 years ago
International students help protect Manawatū waterways | 5 years ago
Plastic waste exports targeted in new environment bill The Guardian | 5 years ago
Sweat crystals, cactus leather and sugar cane will be the Future Fabrics in 2020 | 5 years ago
Myanmar Shows Why Fixing The Plastic Crisis Is So Darn Complicated | 5 years ago
Grow your own sponges – and other innovative ways to live more sustainably The Guardian | 5 years ago
Reliance launching new road project to counter plastics pushback in India | 5 years ago
Reliance seeks to counter India plastics pushback with new road project Reuters | 5 years ago
Reliance seeks to counter India plastics pushback with new road project Reuters | 5 years ago
Commentary: Thailand gives up plastic bags yet leaves rampant consumerism intact | 5 years ago
Recycling wrong: Kiwis dispose of 97 million plastic containers in rubbish bins each year | 5 years ago
NZ homes dispose of 1.76 billion plastic containers each year, report reveals | 5 years ago